Monday, December 19, 2011

Turing Test

a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?)
answer: I think Cleverbot past it but the other one is not that good.
b) What were some of the questions you asked them?  Why?
answer: If its a male or a female because i wanted to know what it would say.
c) Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test?
answer: Because its hard design the hole thing.

Monday, December 12, 2011


1.  Give 3 examples of plagiarism.
Ans:  Coping and pasting somebody else work, Coping somebody Homework, and getting credit for something that's not yours.
2. Take each example you gave in number 1 and write what you could do to make it NOT plagiarism.
Ans: Use your own words, do it your self, take the 0 and don't take somebody else work.
3.  Go to Techbrarian’s Student Blogs page and find a quote from your favorite student blogger.  Copy and paste the quote into your blog.  Next, go to the citation machine.  Put in the information they ask to generate a citation for that quote.  Copy and paste the result into your blog below the quote.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

1. Name 5 human rights and explain what they mean.  Watch THIS movie for more information. (for a smaller file size version click HERE).
Ans: We Are All Born Free & Equal, Don't Discriminate, The Right to life, No slavery, No Torture.

2. What human rights are violated in the game ICED?  Explain.
Ans: Not being a citizen of the United States.

3.  If you could re-design this game, what would you keep?  What would you do differently?
Ans: I would keep everything because the game is really fun.